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Restaurants - the organization of this type of service, which provides the client with food and drinks in a specially designated place and meets the basic hygienic requirements and laws dative.

Restaurant - an establishment that as independent of unity or as a component of other places (hotels, hypermarkets, cinemas, parks, etc.), produces and offers customers the power to satisfy their gastronomic needs.

Economic purpose of this activity is to make profit. Restaurants can be classified according to their location, class and type of food and service.

City restaurants are located in the cities, they offer a diverse set of dishes, or specialize in the provision of lunches and / or dinners; work part time and have numerous clientele.

Self-service restaurant - kind of restaurant that is associated with fast service at the counter, and relatively low prices due to the fact that the service provided by the waiter at the tables in them. They are located in the business, the central areas, and visitors are people who have little time to eat a meal. Such restaurants are especially layout, furnishings, they are special decorated and painted. First appeared in America.