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Oregon - state of the north-western United States, one of the so-called Pacific states. The population of 3,899,353 people (27 th place among the states, and the data 2012). Capital - Salem, the largest city - Portland. Other major cities - Eugene, Gresham, Beaverton, Medford, Corvallis, Springfield, Astoria.
Oregon has an area of 255,028 square km (ninth among states). In the north it borders with the state of Washington, in the east - Idaho, in the south - Nevada and California. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Pacific.
Oregon Territory can be divided into six zones. In the western part stretches parallel to the Pacific coast of the Oregon Coast Range, the highest point - Mount Marys Peak (1249 m). In the south-west are mountains Siskiyou, with the highest point - Mount Ashland (2296 m). To the east and north of them is the Willamette Valley with a total height of less than 130 m above sea level, which is home to about 2/3 of the population of Oregon.
Cascade Mountains, which stretch across the state from north to south, divide it into western and eastern parts. The highest point is a dormant volcano Hood height (according to different sources) 3424-3427 m, where the last eruption occurred around 1790.