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Nebraska - state in the western part of the group of Central and Northern states (West North Central States) USA. The population of 1,842,641 people (2011). The state capital - the city of Lincoln, the largest city - Omaha. Status of Nebraska received in 1867, becoming the 37th state of the USA.
Nebraska is in two climatic zones. The eastern half of the state is located in the zone of humid continental climate, western - in the area of semi-arid climate. For Nebraska as a whole is characterized by significant seasonal fluctuations in temperature and precipitation. Average temperatures with hot summers and cold winters for all staff about the same.
In 2010, the population of Nebraska was 1,827,361 people. Compared with the 2000 census data, the population grew by more than 85 000 (5%), mainly due to natural growth. population centers accounted for Polk County.
Racially Nebraska is a state with an absolute predominance of white - 93.52%. African Americans make up 4.49%, the Indians - 1.31%, Asians - 1.60%, Hawaiians - 0.10%.