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Minnesota - state in the Midwest, one of the so-called states of the North-West Center. Population - 5,420,380 people (2013, 21 th in the US). Ethnic groups: Germans - 37.3%, the Norwegians - 17.0%, the Irish - 12.2%, the Swedes - 10.0%. The capital - St. Paul. The largest city - Minneapolis. Other major cities: Bloomington, Duluth, Rochester, Brooklyn Park.
The official state motto - 'Star of the North'.
From 6 100 people in 1850, the population of the state of Minnesota has increased to 1.7 million in 1900. In XX century, every decade, the state's population increased by 15%. In recent decades, the growth rate dropped to 11%. As of July 1, 2008 the population of Minnesota was 5,220,393 people.
In Minnesota, there are several dozen skyscrapers, eleven tallest buildings are located in the State of Minneapolis.