Business in Iowa
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Iowa - the 29th in a row, 26th in area and 30th in terms of population (just over 3 million people), a US state located in the Midwest in a region called the 'Heart of America.' Iowa is part of the former French colony of 'New France', was taken over by the United States as a result of the purchase of Louisiana.
IThe state is located in the area between the largest rivers - the Mississippi and Missouri. It is bordered by the states of Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin. The northern boundary runs along the Iowa line 43 ° 30 'north latitude. South Border - Des Moines River and a line of 40 ° 35 'north latitude.
IAccording to the US Census Bureau, as of July 1, 2015 the number of the state's population is 3,108,176 people.
IPeople in Iowa are white, no obamas here.