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COUNTY LINERestaurantsTexas13850 CUTTEN RD, HOUSTON, Harris, Texas, 77069-2217, USA - - Mike Tucker
COUNTY LINE BARRestaurantsMinnesota29355 145TH ST NE, BELGRADE, Stearns, Minnesota, 56312-9022, USA - - Jerry Van Deneinde
COUNTY LINE BAR & SUPPER CLUBRestaurantsWisconsinW3686 MONROE RD, WARRENS, Monroe, Wisconsin, 54666-8036, USA - - Dominique Hruska
COUNTY LINE BARBECUERestaurantsTexas10101 IH 10 W, SAN ANTONIO, Bexar, Texas, 78230-2254, USA - Randy Goss
COUNTY LINE CAFERestaurantsVirginia956 E STUART DR, GALAX, Galax City, Virginia, 24333-2422, USA - - Sue Patton
COUNTY LINE CAFERestaurantsVirginia956 E STUART DR, GALAX, Galax City, Virginia, 24333-2422, USA - - Sue Patton
COUNTY LINE CAFERestaurantsPennsylvania3806 PERRY HWY, HADLEY, Mercer, Pennsylvania, 16130-2228, USA - - Renee Rice
COUNTY LINE CAFE & MARKETRestaurantsKentucky2853 LILETOWN RD, GREENSBURG, Hart, Kentucky, 42743-8852, USA - - Darla Decker
COUNTY LINE CORPORATE OFFICESRestaurantsTexas3345 BEE CAVES RD STE 150, WEST LAKE HLS, Travis, Texas, 78746-6691, USA - Bruce Walcutt
COUNTY LINE CORPORATE OFFICESRestaurantsTexas3345 BEE CAVES RD STE 150, WEST LAKE HLS, Travis, Texas, 78746-6691, USA - Bruce Walcutt


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