
Found 44 results

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CompanyCategoryAreaAddressWebE-mailContact person
CANDYS HILLSIDERestaurantsNew York6207 ROCK CUT RD, JAMESVILLE, Onondaga, New York, 13078-9437, USA - - Candy Ruggireo
CANDYS KITCHENRestaurantsRhode Island6 KENNEDY DR, COVENTRY, Kent, Rhode Island, 02816-5213, USA - - Candace Pickett
CANDYS MERRIMAC CAFERestaurantsWisconsin115 AUSTIN DR, MERRIMAC, Sauk, Wisconsin, 53561-9535, USA - - Candy Hanson
CANDYS PLACERestaurantsFlorida709 OPA LOCKA BLVD, OPA LOCKA, Miami Dade, Florida, 33054-3907, USA - - -


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