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CANDLELITE CHICAGORestaurantsIllinois7452 N WESTERN AVE, CHICAGO, Cook, Illinois, 60645-1734, USA - - Mike Hoyland
CANDLELITE STEAK HOUSERestaurantsArkansas1611 LINWOOD DR, PARAGOULD, Greene, Arkansas, 72450-5819, USA - - William Jaques
CANDLESRestaurantsFlorida18401 COLLINS AVE, SUNNY ISL BCH, Miami Dade, Florida, 33160-2402, USA - - -
CANDLES KITCHENRestaurantsOhio13435 RAVENNA AVE NE, HARTVILLE, Stark, Ohio, 44632-9325, USA - - Debbie Candle
CANDLEWORKS RESTAURANTRestaurantsMassachusetts72 N WATER ST, NEW BEDFORD, Bristol, Massachusetts, 02740-6264, USA - - Michael Rosa
CANDLEWYCK INNRestaurantsWest Virginia65 S MINERAL ST, KEYSER, Mineral, West Virginia, 26726-3126, USA - Fred Engle
CANDY APPLE CAFERestaurantsNew York81 BUELL ST, AKRON, Erie, New York, 14001-1308, USA - - Cheryl Johannes
CANDYLANDRestaurantsLouisiana7015 HANKS DR, BATON ROUGE, E Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70812-3530, USA - - C D Anderson
CANDYS BAKERY & CAFERestaurantsNew York758 BURKE AVE, BRONX, Bronx, New York, 10467-6612, USA - - -
CANDYS DINERRestaurantsVirginia21874 OLD VALLEY PIKE, WOODSTOCK, Shenandoah, Virginia, 22664-1828, USA - - Candy Franks


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