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HOFKER AUTOMOTIVE INCAutomobile Repairing & ServiceNebraska4800 N 56TH ST, LINCOLN, Lancaster, Nebraska, 68504-1719, USA - - Jim Hofker
HOFLANDER FORD INCAutomobile Dealers-New CarsMissouri1807 N MAIN ST, HIGGINSVILLE, Lafayette, Missouri, 64037-1524, USA - Harold Hoflander
HOFMANN AUTOMOTIVEAutomobile Repairing & ServiceFlorida1245 E DUVAL ST, LAKE CITY, Columbia, Florida, 32055-4185, USA - - Linda Hofmann
HOFMANS REPAIR SHOPAutomobile Repairing & ServiceNebraska129 W 5TH ST, IMPERIAL, Chase, Nebraska, 69033-3142, USA - - Byron Hust
HOFMANS VOLKSWAGEN SVCAutomobile Repairing & ServiceNew York922 PENNSYLVANIA AVE, ELMIRA, Chemung, New York, 14904-2600, USA - - Marinuf Hofman


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